Vastu Purush Mandla

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Vastu Purush Mandla

Vaastu Purush is present in every plot, whether it is big or small or conferring excellent or bad. Worship of the Vaastu Purush is necessary before beginning the construction of any building. In the MATSYA PURAN, there is a very interesting story in which the birth of Vastu Purush is mentioned, and it explains why Vaastu Pooja is performed before starting the construction of any building. Vastu Purush play very important role in Vastu Shastra

Vaastu Purush, as the legend in Matsya Puran, was born out of the sweat of Lord Shiva while fighting and killing a giant called "Andhakasur." This hungry and cruel man prayed to Shiva & get permission to eat away all three Worlds. Andhakasur took hold of all the three worlds, and first, he was set to eat the terrestrial world (Bhooloka). The Devatas, Brahma, Shiva, and the demons (Rakshasas), too, were terrified and caught hold of the devotee encircling him.

Vastu Purush, being arrested like this, said to the Gods, "O! Celestial Beings! You have just got hold of me and bound me on all the sides. How long shall I live like this, in this situation, fixing my head down like a prisoner? What shall I eat?

Brahma, the creator of the universe and other Devatas, satisfied his hunger, gave him a boon that whoever constructs building on Earth shall offer Pooja to him and make offerings if they want to enjoy health, wealth, wisdom, and prosperity in their new buildings. This is how Vaastu Pooja came to be performed before starting the construction of any building.

That day was Bhadrapada Shukla Tritiya Saturday and 'Vishakha Star. Vaastu Purush lies down on the ground changing position once in three months, i.e., from 'Bhadrapada' to 'Kartik' head in the Eastern direction and feet towards the West.

The Vaastu Purusha is said to have three positions:

  1. Sthira Vaastu
  2. Chara Vaastu
  3. Nitya Vaastu

Sthira Vastu: It is the Sthira or permanent position of any construction for all seasons throughout the year.In this position, Vastu Purush is said to be always lying with his head at North- East comer, feet at South- West with the right hand placed at South East and left hand in North-West with his face down and his left hand under his head supporting it like a pillow. Sthira Vaastu is concerned with the construction of a home, house, temple, town, village, etc. and their stability.

Chara Vastu: The next kind of Vastu is called chara Vastu or moving body. Here, the orientation shifts every three months. He glances towards separate directions every quarter, always lying down on the left side only.

The gaze of Vaastu Purush during Twelve Months

Hindi MonthsEquivalent English MonthsThe gaze of Vastu Purush
Phalguna, Chaitra, VaishakhaMarch-JuneDirected towards North
Jyeshtha, Ashadha, ShravanaJune- SeptemberDirected towards East
Bhadrapada, Ashwin, KartikaSeptember- DecemberDirected towards South
Margshirsha, Pausha, MaghaDecember-MarchDirected towards West


Chara Vaastu is beneficial for the construction of shiver, tents, banquet halls, moving circus shows, religious gatherings, a stage for ramleela or dramas. This construction is done mainly for a maximum time of three months.

Nitya Vastu: (Daily Position or Posture): Here, Vastu orientation changes every three hours of day time. At night he sleeps. He looks towards East in the first three hours, in the next three hours towards the south. In the next three hours towards West and the final three hours towards North. This orientation of Vastu is of enormous significance in Vastu Shastra.

Daily Movement of Vaastu Purush   

TimeSun's DirectionThe face of Vaastu Purush
6 a.m.-9 a.m.EastLooking at West
9 a.m.-12 a.m.SoutheastLooking at Northwest
12 noon-3 p.m.SouthLooking at North
3 p.m.-6 p.m.SouthwestLooking at Northeast
6 p.m.-9 p.m.WestLooking at East
 9 p.m.-12 p.m.NorthwestLooking at Southeast
12 p.m.-3 a.m.NorthLooking at South
3 a.m.-6 a.m.NortheastLooking at Southwest
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