Vastu for South Facing House

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Vastu for South Facing House

Yama rules the South direction. Yama is the Vedic God of dharma and death. As per Vedic mythology, Yama is the elder brother of the planet Saturn. Yamaha considered very cruel judgment over the soul after death.

How do you find Facing of your House?

Vastu for the south-facing house: Sometimes, we find it challenging to identify the direction that our house is facing. Your house's face is the direction in which you face when you go out of your main door. The main door here means the most massive door in the house. If you face South while coming out of your main entrance gate onto the road, your home is a south-facing House. To know more about directions Click How to Find Directions


Why the South is considered the most inauspicious direction?

According to Vastu Shastra, "All the directions are equally good,"

To know more about Vastu Direction, CLICK HERE

South is considered the most inauspicious direction in Residencial Vaastu Shastra. It would be best if you will more vigilant and cautious in utilizing this direction.


The disadvantage of Houses facing South:

The many opening in the south direction is the leading cause the person to not fully enjoy the marital bliss, many times severe obstruction in the materialization of marriage. The excessive cosmic heat of Lord Sun and bodily heat of planet Mars place the South direction like hell. This intense sweetness of the south direction increases bodily Pitha, causing Pitta dosha. The opening in the South may also addict to liquor. So Vastu expert Sunil Mehtani advises you should keep the south direction close in the hot season if you are residing in a south-facing House.

The scorching rays of the Sun become highly uncomfortable and unbearable in the South. In the horoscope, the Tenth House corresponds with the south direction. The color of the southerly direction in Vastu Shastra is blood red. Sun and Mars are directionally strong in the 10th house of a horoscope, which corresponds with the South direction.

This direction receives the maximum heat; the rays of the Sun fall Straight in this zone, and the temperature is usually high throughout the year, causing intense heat.


Is A facing house not suitable for all?

  • Many people say that living in a south-facing house will cause life problems, and only east or north-facing homes are auspicious and good. But this is only partially true as there are some benefits of south-facing houses. A south-facing place is best for people belonging to Administrative Services, armed and Paramilitary forces, People involved in manufacturing, and people related to the entertainment industry can also buy a house facing south.
  • South Direction is also the best place for public activities like Consultancy Services; it provides a promising direction during the daytime.
  • The people who live in this direction generally have firm determination in their goals. They may adopt all methods without hesitation for their victory. They may be ready to sacrifice more minor things to reap more significant benefits.
  • The south direction is suitable for big merchants and ladies' establishments.
  • A facing house brings good earnings..
  • The arguments can earn rich profit easily as they are flexible to business transactions.
  • The occupants in the south direction are dominant.
  • Vastu Shilpa Shastra considers the southerly direction best for the bedroom.


South-facing house as per the Sun's path of movement

The Sun rises in the East and moves towards the South before setting in the west. This is the reason why the climate in South India is scorching in the summer. So, the people living there should avoid the South facing the house.

On the other hand, in regions like North India or hilly areas, the climate is generally colder during winter. So, people can buy south-facing houses to enjoy sunlight and heat during winter. This will also help them to keep their homes warm.

The persons living in a south-facing house receive an adequate amount of sunlight for most of the day. This will provide them with a sufficient amount of Vitamin D and, therefore, beneficial for them.

(But the same sunlight is not suitable for people living in southwest-facing houses. This is because they get the sunlight during the late afternoon, full of UV rays (radiations). Instead of providing benefits to them, these rays are harmful to them.)


South-facing house in astrology

According to Astrology, a south-facing house good for the natives having Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn moon signs/Rashi can buy south-facing houses. The people in the profession or work related to Mars can also opt for south-facing houses. The people involved in these professions may be lawyers, surgeons, property dealers, and chefs. Along with these, the persons who do business related to arms and ammunition, hardware shops, fire-related items, etc., also come in this category.

Though the south-facing house is favourable to these kinds of people, to make the house most promising, they should follow the guidelines of Vastu Shastra for the facing house to the maximum.


Guidelines and tips--  "south face house plan with vastu"

If you properly plan the south direction, you may get more victory, money, health, wealth, and fame. Following are the Guidelines or tips-- Vastu plan for South facing houses:

Elevation for South facing house - It would be best if you took care of elevation in the south direction, which must be high. The site having in an upper southerly direction and depressed towards north direction is excellent.


Entrance or main door - Make sure to place the main door/entrance on the South's 4th Pada, as it is the best and most promising for the South facing the house.

If it is not possible, you can opt for 2 or 3 padas, but it must include 4th Pada along with them. You should consult the best Vastu expert for this.


Walls in South Direction - Make sure to construct thicker and higher walls in the South and West than in the North and East.


The slope of the plot for South facing house - It is best that the plot slopes from South to North.


Kitchen for South facing house -- the kitchen is best in the southeast or northwest Zones of the house.


Master bedroom for South facing house - Construct the master bedroom in the southwest direction.


Pooja room for South facing house – Do not construct a Pooja room in the South corner. It is best to build the pooja room in the northeast (Ishaan). Pooja room in this direction is auspicious and beneficial for all living in a house. Make sure at the time of prayer, one should face towards North or NE or East Direction.


Staircase for South facing house - The stairs should be in the South or SW direction and should move clockwise.


Well in South - If there is any well in the south direction, close it immediately.


Important things to avoid at South Facing House

But if there is any Vastu dosh in South Direction, it results in financial and health problems and breakups in the couple's relationship. So it would be best if you kept in mind that --


1- Never make any entrance Gate in the southeast corner of the South facing the house.


2- The essential factor is the correct location and direction of any house's main door.


3- The main door's direction and location are the most important in Vastu Shastra; we must position the entrance or the main door of the house in an accurate direction. With south-facing houses, this is the most important thing to make it auspicious. You must follow some Vastu rules and guidelines for Vastu for south-facing homes.


4- Make sure not to paint the entrance Gate in black or blue colors.


5- Never construct the kitchen in the south corner.


6- Avoid making any underground water source on the front side of the South facing the house. You must not construct any underground structure like the septic tank in the south direction


7- Make sure that there is not any T point in front of a south-facing house.


8- Ensure that there should not be any garden or planting of trees and guest bedrooms in the south corner of the South facing the house.


If there is any dosha, it may severely affect the female occupant.


Vastu remedy for south-facing house

Following are the Vastu remedies for south-facing houses:


1. If the south zone/direction is extended, then make it a square or rectangle, and the separated portion must be used for different purposes.


2. Make the south direction higher than all directions except the lower than the southwest direction.


3. Make heavy to the south direction; you may keep heavy furniture and utensils here.


4. In your home or the office, sit with your back in the South; your face must be towards the north, NE or East to get the positive vibes, good health strength and wisdom of your ancestors.


5. Make the wall in the south zone must be thicker and more substantial. You may build heavy stone walls, fences, or trellis here.


6. Avoid door and window and ventilator in the south direction.


7. If there is an open area in the south direction, you may plant a tall tree, but the planted tree must be the distance from the main building.


8. Keep the heavy indoor plants in the southerly direction, such as Indoor Palm, rubber plant umbrella trees in heavy concrete ports.


9. Pray for Lord Yama and Planet Mars


10. Use red color in the South.


11. Take it in the south direction while handling heat and fire.


12. Place a red color photo painting of Lord Hanuman or you may install a Mangal yantra in the south direction in an auspicious muhurta.


The south direction should never be extended, nor should have more space to bring miss fortune to the occupants.

For the south-facing house Vastu plan, you may contact AskAcharya or may directly call Vastu Consultant Sunil Mehtani at 9810105727.



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