The planet Mercury, the ruler of knowledge and intelligence, rules Emerald. We also know Emerald Gemstone as Panna, Haridraratnag Taakshyar, Gaoortyat, Marakat, Souperna, Soumya, Paachichalai, and Peeloo.
The Color of Emerald (Panna) Gemstone:
Panna is glowing green color soft, Gem. Panna is green, glowing, shining, fresh, transparent, bright as the color of a parrot. It is also soft, shiny, and pretty like the new grasses and the lotus flowers. Besides, Emerald is a beautiful, elegant, and charming precious stone. When Mercury is in Virgo, it may bring the native to the top of academic or literary fields unless badly affected.
The Emerald (Panna) Is Gems of the Planet Mercury.
For the people has Gemini or Virgo ascendant, Panna or Emerald Gemstone is the Gemstone of their life. The Emerald stone assures not just a healthy long life but further brings fame and recognition. Also, for the natives under the Ascendant Leo, it is incredibly beneficial. For the natives with Ascendant Libra, the Panna or Emerald is similar to the significator of remarkably great public honor. Though they may be more extravagant. For the person with Ascendant Sagittarius or Pisces, it assures the marital peace, satisfaction, and happiness and also growing the intelligence for more skilled jobs and business.
According To The Numerology: Emerald or Panna is also beneficial for the People born on 5th, 14th, 23rdof a month get a mean evaluated number 5, Number 5 represent the Mercury in numerology
Chant the mantra to inoculate power is. "Om barang bareeng barong sau budhaye namah " which should be recited ideally 9000 times, or one may use the already abhimantrit gems. Also donate green grass to cows, green fabrics to children. Use different colored flowers at the time of performing Pooja. Panna or Emerald age is three years; afterwards, change the Panna or Emerald.
As a final point, wear the Panna or Emerald Gemstone on a Pushya Constellation day, preferably on the Mercury constellation, or Gurupushya or Ravipushya and during the Raviyoga hours.
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