This year will be full of troubles for Pisces natives. You may have to face many problems. Enemies and opponents will prevail. There will be obstacles at work. There may be a loss of the vehicle. Due to the position of Rahu, there will be ups and downs regarding your health till May. Painful, old diseases or any new disease may also trouble you. Give up your bad habits and addictions; give up alcohol, gutka, bidi, cigarettes, etc. Otherwise, you will have severe illness. Knee pain, stomach-related diseases, organ problems, etc., will trouble you. Get regular checkups done for diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Sometimes, there will be differences and misunderstandings between husband and wife, which will be resolved with time. Control your expenses. Especially in business, you need to be careful not to work for less money; otherwise, there may be negative results.
After March this year, there will be problems with your work. Your boss may not be happy with your work. With your intelligence and wisdom, you will find solutions to the most challenging issues and not let yourself get distracted, no matter how adverse the circumstances are. Your circle of contacts and relationships will be very large. Although you will do your best in your work, you may not get the desired results. After May, Rahu will get your money stuck somewhere in business or commerce. After May, Ketu will force your opponents to conspire against you, but they will not be able to harm you. This year, you will help a needy friend. There may be arguments between husband and wife, but all differences and problems will be resolved quickly.
Saturn will be in a retrograde state from mid-July to the end of November. During this period, you may become a victim of some conspiracy. Some orders or transactions in business may get canceled. Complete your work within the stipulated time limit. There may be government-related issues like Income Tax, GST, Customs, Excise, etc. Maintain complete control over your anger and your speech. You will get the blessings and affection of your parents and elders. In this unfavorable time, you will feel that your family is with you like a rock. Jupiter will change its position, and your efficiency in studies will decrease. You can balance your financial situation by controlling your expenses. You will be appreciated for your intelligence. Hospital expenses may be seen this year. Between May and August, the health of an elderly family member may deteriorate. You need to be very careful at every step in financial matters.
Physical Well-Being and Health: This year, your health will not be suitable due to Saturn's position. On the one hand, your immunity will be weak due to the position of Jupiter; on the other hand, seasonal diseases will bother you more. Gas problems, joint pain, back pain, and bone diseases will bother you. Women may have gynecological problems. Negligence towards your health can be fatal this year. Chant "Om Rog Mulayam Namah" daily to get rid of diseases. Get regular health checkups done.
Business, Career, and Wealth: You will make difficult and important decisions to keep your business on track. Expenses will be more than income. These decisions will create your image as an authoritarian and fearless person. Companies may suffer losses due to a machine malfunction or technical fault. Check everything carefully before investing. Partners and colleagues will appreciate your entrepreneurial spirit and professional knowledge. Money will come, but with obstacles. You will maintain a balance between your professional life and personal life. You will not let professional problems or workplace difficulties hamper your family life. Due to Saturn's position between July and November, you plan to expand your business, but it will not be realistic. Do your work and duties at the workplace with full responsibility, honesty, and sensitivity. The company's relations with regular customers will be cordial. Keep a close watch on the activities of the workers. This year, Due to Jupiter's position, other parties will join you in business. You will make the best use of your contacts to strengthen your business. Those doing real estate, textile, oil, and commission business will benefit. With your rich experience and skills, you can get better results in business.
Home, Family, Children, and Loved Ones: This year, all your family members will support you wholeheartedly in adverse circumstances. Loved ones may criticize you. Marriage proposals of unmarried people will move forward. During this period, your priority will be to meet your relatives and friends and increase contacts. Concerns about children's education, career admission in the preferred college, etc, will exist.
Property-related disputes with brothers will get complicated initially but will be resolved later. Due to Saturn being retrograde between July and November, an elderly family member may fall ill. Bitterness may come in family relationships due to a third person. There will be tremendous compatibility between couples. Both will behave according to each other's wishes. Avoid exchanging money with loved ones.
Education, Learning, and Career: This year is very difficult for students. Due to the Sadesati of Saturn and the change of Jupiter, you will be challenged to prove yourself.
It will also affect the result. Exam marks, competitive exam results, and department and career-related exams may all decrease before mid-May. Do not waste your time on love affairs, entertainment, or hobbies. You will put your mind to your studies in the third week of May. Take your work seriously at the workplace. You may be transferred against your wishes. You will try your best to achieve your goals. Candidates in the technical, legal, administrative, financial, and banking sectors may succeed partially.
Love, relationships and friends: Venus is the factor of romantic relationships. At the beginning of the year, Venus indicates defamation in romantic relationships. At the beginning of the year, romantic relationships will become more sweet due to Venus and Saturn. But there is also a risk of being exposed. Due to this, family peace may be disturbed. Your circle of friends will increase. Not all friends will be your true friends, so be careful. But you will develop an emotional relationship with your real friends. So be cautious of hypocrites.
Vehicle, Expenses, and Work: This year, an "Aamdani Athanni Kharcha Rupaiya" situation will occur. That is, your expenses will be much more than your income. The possibility of auspicious events is significantly less this year. Avoid online shopping. You may be a victim of online fraud. There is no possibility of buying a new vehicle this year. However, due to Mars's position, vehicle maintenance and repair expenses may be incurred. Your money may get stuck with the wrong person. Avoid lending money to anyone.
Losses, Debts, and Unpleasant Events: There is a high possibility of loss. Due to Rahu, you need to be cautious of betrayal this year.
There are dangers of financial conspiracy. You may suffer losses in your business due to negligence or deception of employees or partners in business. You may take loans to bring your business back on track. Beware of enemies and conspiracies. Keep a close eye on every activity of your business competitors and opponents. You may get unpleasant news about a family member between July and November. Some unexpected incidents may happen with some of your family members.
Travel: Business and work-related travel will be unnecessary. Due to Saturn's position between July and November, any item can be stolen or lost during travel.