16th to 23rd February: At the beginning of this week, time is excellent. It will also be plans of new initiatives that will make use of your time and money will be used. It will be a great time. You will be successful in organizing your house and the surroundings. Do not get involved in any argument between the 18th and 19th. You may end up being the one to lose. There could be issues managing the car. There could be some arguments between daughters and mothers-in-law. It will be challenging to deal with the disclosure of old illnesses and old-fashioned secrets. You may experience blisters. It is expected to be between 20 and 22. During this period your expenditure and investment will be sarc. You will experience a rapid pace of work. Your entire focus is on pleasure and relaxation. Do not put your money into investments right now. The environment at home is going to be relaxed on the 23rd. There will be some pressure at work. However, you'll manage the pressure effectively.